all postcodes in BH10 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH10 7AA 6 0 50.760677 -1.871984
BH10 7AE 7 0 50.763826 -1.880547
BH10 7AF 8 0 50.765637 -1.884003
BH10 7AG 21 2 50.767158 -1.885162
BH10 7AJ 17 5 50.767511 -1.887614
BH10 7AL 4 1 50.767062 -1.889393
BH10 7AN 9 4 50.767053 -1.889719
BH10 7AP 2 1 50.767136 -1.891775
BH10 7AQ 9 4 50.767438 -1.88665
BH10 7AR 19 3 50.767572 -1.895356
BH10 7AS 50 18 50.768348 -1.899656
BH10 7AW 2 1 50.76709 -1.891109
BH10 7AY 1 1 50.768719 -1.901238
BH10 7AZ 5 2 50.768574 -1.898814
BH10 7BB 4 2 50.768745 -1.899749
BH10 7BD 8 5 50.768022 -1.895795
BH10 7BE 36 0 50.768329 -1.897113
BH10 7BG 13 0 50.76785 -1.893952
BH10 7BH 2 0 50.767905 -1.887151
BH10 7BJ 2 2 50.767869 -1.885755